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Best Practices

Best Practices for Heavy Equipment Operator Training

ASC BestPractices Index V1

Best Practices for Heavy Equipment Operator Training

Operator error is one of the most common causes of equipment repairs and downtime. Equipment operators and supervisors need to understand what are potentially dangerous working environments, machine irregularities to watch for, and what to monitor during daily walkaround inspections.

To help avoid issues with your equipment, we’ve put together tips for operators to keep your machines working their best.

Always inspect the machine before beginning to work
A crucial piece of heavy equipment operator training that will help to avoid repairs is conducting daily walkaround inspections correctly. Checking machines before working helps you catch small issues before they become larger, more expensive and potentially dangerous problems. If operators notice anything wrong, they should report them right away and not use the machine until they are resolved.

The daily operator check includes:

  • Look for any fluids on the ground around a parked machine
  • Check fluid levels and see if the battery is fully charged
  • Monitor the condition of the tires and their inflation level
  • Make sure horns and lights are working properly
  • Wear safety gear and see if the seat belt and backup alarms are functioning
  • Check the filters, especially when you’re working in a dusty environment

Watch out for equipment irregularities
Another important part of heavy equipment operator training is learning to be alert for potential machine malfunctions or issues while working. Things to look for include intermittent electrical failures, inappropriate noises, cracks or other signs of impending breakage, and any damage to a machine.

Understand which situations increase the chances of overturning
Swinging loads too quickly or not operating correctly on slopes can put machines at risk for tipping. An important part of heavy equipment operator training includes understanding how to transport loads carefully, including adhering to appropriate speed limits. Never exceed the working range or lifting capacity of your machines, and keep the equipment as level as possible when working.

If you have any questions about heavy equipment operator training or what issues to look for with your machines, please contact our team today!

ASC BestPractices Excavator V1